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35th ICMART World Medical Acupuncture Congress
Οκτώβριος 14, 2022 - Οκτώβριος 16, 2022
From Research to Clinical Practice: towards Integrative Medicine
There will be 4 parallel meeting rooms.
There will be three plenary sessions to welcome keynote lectures, forums, awards and ICMART General Assembly.
Six thematic sessions, six workshops, poster presentations and special sessions will take place in 4 different rooms for 3 days and will cover all important topics on acupuncture.
On Friday and Saturday afternoons and part of the Sunday morning, Veterinary sessions are scheduled. All o f the congress attendess can follow all of the sessions.
All ICMART congresses are well known for their high scientific standards and are great social events. They are a great opportunity to get the newest developments on scientific acupuncture, related techniques, research and clinical practice.
This year we continue with great keynote lectures, workshops and clinical cases from outstanding speakers who will join the congress. We also promote lectures in small groups so people will have the chance to get in touch.
Our aim is to promote integration of acupuncture in daily clinical practice and national healthcare systems to highlight the role of acupuncture in terms of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, as well as reduction in use of drugs to benefit both the patient and and the environment.