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7th International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy (CPP) 2022
Οκτώβριος 19, 2022 - Οκτώβριος 22, 2022
Dear colleague
We would like to enthusiastically invite you to attend the “The 7th International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy (CPP) 2022″. The date of the meeting has been changed to October 19-22, 2022. The meeting will take place in Porto, Portugal and will provide an opportunity for the international cardio obstetric community to come together again for an in-person interactions with friends and colleagues.
Because the ability to participate in person may vary across the globe, CPP 2022 will be a hybrid meeting combining in person and remote participation of both the faculty and attendees.
Continuing the tradition of the previous 6 meetings the goals of the CPP2022 are to advance the knowledge and expertise of health care professionals around the globe in the management of cardiovascular (CV) diseases during pregnancy by an exchange of information, and update on recent data. The meeting will include a large number of plenary sessions with state-of-the-art reviews by renowned experts and will incorporate results of research both basic and clinical as well as clinical observations and case presentations with experts’ discussion. As the management of heart disease in pregnancy requires a multidisciplinary approach, the intended audience will include cardiologists, obstetricians, maternal-fetal medicine specialists, obstetrical and cardiac anesthesiologists, family medicine specialists, hematologists, pediatricians, pediatric cardiologists, geneticists, cardiac surgeons, neonatologists, nurses, clinical pharmacists, and other health professionals with special interest in managing pregnant women with heart disease.
Registration for the meeting has opened with an enthusiastic response and almost 100 abstracts and case presentations already submitted and being reviewed.
We look forward to your participation in what is promised to be another exciting congress with a high scientific standard.