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ACCT Webinar | How can bladder and bowel management help patients with chronic pelvic pain?
Σεπτέμβριος 21, 2023 @ 2:00 μμ - 3:00 μμ
Welcome to a webinar with focus how bladder and bowel management can be used as a tool in order to help patients suffering from pelvic pain.
September 21, 2023 | 14:00-15:00 CEST
Pelvic floor dysfunction is a condition which affects a lot of people. Bladder and bowel management are known tools that are crucial to maintaining quality of life for those affected, but the link to pelvic pain is not always obvious, yet of main importance.
During 1 hour, our invited speakers will explore the importance of talking about pelvic floor dysfunction, the symptoms, as well as explain the relationship between pelvic pain and bladder and bowel problems.
Intermittent catheterization and transanal irrigation will be highlighted as possible solutions for relieving bothersome symptoms and to help improve quality of life.
The webinar is free to attend, but you need to register in order to secure your spot.
If you want to join from outside the European Time Zone, the time of this webinar converts to:
British Time (BST): 13:00
Eastern Time (EDT): 08:00
Hong Kong (HKT): 20:00