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Σεπτέμβριος 21, 2023 - Σεπτέμβριος 22, 2023

Dear colleagues & friends, It is an honor for us to welcome the “Grey Turner Surgical Society” to Thessaloniki in September 2023. The Grey Turner Club was the brainchild of Gordon Bailey, a consultant surgeon in Harrogate. Their first recorded meeting was in 1951 and since then, there has been a meeting every year. Since 1963 the club has aimed to have an overseas visit every 3rd year. Nowadays, the club consists of general surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, urologists and other surgical specialties. The club’s overseas visit usually comprises of a rich social program, apart from the scientific activities, and naturally wives, husbands and partners join in as well. We are extremely proud that we were asked to host their 2023 visit in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Interbalkan Medical Center is a center of excellence with regards to its scientific level, surgical equipment, and medical doctors. Minimally invasive surgical procedures find place on a daily basis across all major surgical specialties. For two days, 21-22 September 2023, the Centre will be filled with discussions, debates & arguments between the local doctors and the members of the GT Surgical Society as we embark on a journey of surgical excellence. The program includes presentations on state-of-the-art surgical procedures but also discussions on social and surgical lifestyle issues. The hosting society, the Hellenic Association of Endoscopic Surgery, is known for organizing high value and up-to-date surgical events in Greece. Furthermore, we are joined by the Society of Junior Doctors, a society founded in 2009 by students and junior doctors, which is particularly active in scientific events across Europe. They will instill a younger doctor’s perspective to the event and will discuss subjects that are particularly important to the younger generation of scientists. We are particularly proud of bringing all societies together for an extremely interesting scientific event and we are looking forward to days full of heated debates, state-of-the-art procedures and fruitful scientific outcomes. Welcome to our event. Welcome to Thessaloniki and the Interbalkan Medical Center.


Σεπτέμβριος 21, 2023
Σεπτέμβριος 22, 2023
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