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- Αυτή η εκδήλωση έχει τελειώσει.
Personalised Pain Management: The future is now
Σεπτέμβριος 20, 2023 - Σεπτέμβριος 23, 2023
Programme Overview: https://europeanpainfederation.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/EFIC-2021-Scientific-Programme-at-a-glance-14.04.2022.pdf
Interactive Programme: https://efic2022.abstractserver.com/program/#/program/1/horizontal
Sign up here for updates: https://share.hsforms.com/1m71J1vziRyOeV3LP6DGYVw4hboq
The Workshop submission is open!
Deadline: 9th September 2022 23:59 CET
For #EFIC2023, the Scientific Programme Committee decided to offer 3 different formats of Scientific Sessions:
Topical Workshop
A topical workshop is a session presenting basic, translational or clinical research specific to a topic. Each speaker is expected to add something new to the discussion, with the presentations being linked. New research is preferred, though significant reviews or position papers can be covered.
Debate Workshop
A debate workshop is a session designed to facilitate discussion and debate on a topic for which there may be divergent views or where the novelty of the field invites hypothesis. The format could take on a specific pro-contra format or be more open to different perspectives.
Demonstration (hands-off) Workshop
Demonstration workshops aim to showcase clinical skills and hands-on techniques relevant to multidisciplinary pain management, including pain assessment, patient communication, body awareness and specific therapeutic/ diagnostic approaches. Note this does not include interventional pain practice cadaver workshops. Please note that any workshop with material or product demonstrated linked to a specific company will not be considered. Please refer to the industry-sponsored session package on the Congress website.